
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep pedaling on ...

Here is a first.. I have never really tried my hand at painting and I had this at my house..A plain wooden board..

And I saw this.. I was inspired by this sign from Susie Harris and decided to try my hand at painting the sign on my plank. here is the picture of the original inspiration -

 I loved the color combination in the original sign.. the pink and the teal against the yellow.. So I bought some acrylic paint in those colors. I started out with painting the entire plank yellow. I was not looking for a very even coverage.

Next I printed out a stencil for a bicycle and printed 'Keep pedaling on' in the font and size that I wanted and traced them lightly on to the plank. The yellow has not been captured correctly in this picture.

I then finished painting the cycle first and went on to my words... I enjoyed the whole process! Here is the final reveal -

 It is not perfect in the least bit but I think it turned out pretty! And yes it was a beautiful day outside. Here is another shot -

 Now to hang it in my room and enjoy it :)
Linking this up at The Pinterest Challenge: Summer edition at Young House Love and Bower power Blog



  1. wow this is so so cute! Thanks for linking up to The Cure for the Common Monday that I co-hosted. I am now following you!

    1. Thanks so much for co-hosting the wonderful party and having a look! :)

  2. This is adorable! Love the senitment. Found you on Craft-O-Maniac's linky party!

  3. What a wonderful project! You did an amazing job! Angie xo

  4. Such a cute sign! I love the phrase. You did a great job!

  5. What a cute sign!! I Love the saying you chose to put on there! You did am amazing job. Thanks so much for entering this into the Project Pinterest Challenge! Best of luck to you!

  6. That sign is too cute! Thank you so much for sharing at the Pomp Party! Pinning to our Pomp Party board!

    Jill @ Create.Craft.Love.

  7. Love the sign. And I think it turned out great! Thanks for sharing on Tout It Tuesday!

  8. Hi Aparna,

    Cute sign! I love that you used a piece of wood you already had and figured out a way to transform it.

    I followed you over from the Pinterest linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,
